Psychological Evaluations and Testing


Helping you find the right diagnosis and the best treatment so that you can move forward.

NOTICE: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, decisions regarding in-person vs virtual/online evaluations will balance safety with maintaining validity and reliability of standardized test measures.

What is a Psychological Evaluation?

Often, people accumulate multiple mental health diagnoses. Some may be an accurate fit, others may be outdated, and sometimes there is no evidence to support a diagnosis. The best way to provide clarity in this case is with a psychological evaluation that incorporates testing.

Although a diagnosis is merely a label, it is a label that is used to identify evidence-based treatment methods to ensure effective and efficient intervention. In certain cases, it grants people access to services they would not otherwise be able to obtain.

Personality influences the way people interact with themselves, others, and the world. Even when an evaluation does not reveal a mental health diagnosis, it often illuminates areas of difficulty and strengths to build upon. This can also guide treatment planning and help people better understand themselves.

Who Conducts a Psychological Evaluation?

While there are many types of mental health professionals, a clinical psychologist conducts psychological evaluations. Dr. Goldsberry is a doctoral-level licensed psychologist with expertise in behavioral and mental health and training in a variety of assessment measures.

What is the Process of an Evaluation?

Each evaluation is specifically designed for the person being assessed and the question being asked. When you consult with Dr. Goldsberry, she will give you a clearer idea of what your specific evaluation will entail.

In general, the evaluation begins with obtaining records (if available and appropriate) and a clinical interview. From there, you will complete testing which includes but is not limited to cognitive, memory/learning, objective personality, and/or projective personality assessments. Testing is usually selected following the consult, but may expand as the evaluation progresses. Finally, Dr. Goldsberry writes a report and provides you with a feedback session where she reviews the findings (in non-forensic cases only).


Dr. Goldsberry is happy to discuss evaluation questions and review various options with you. Feel free to email, call, or send a message to schedule your free consultation today.