Online Counseling for Adults


Helping ambitious people overcome struggles so they can experience more joy, fulfillment, and connection in life. 

Does this sound familiar?

  • You used to view problems with excitement, but now feel overwhelming dread.

  • You feel exhausted by the end of the day, but still think you did not do enough.

  • You are constantly in your head overthinking and questioning yourself.

  • Things you used to enjoy are no longer as fun, or you have a hard time getting out to do them.

  • You feel disconnected from loved ones.

It might feel impossible, but you CAN heal and feel peaceful again.  You CAN have a successful career, connected relationships, and a joyful life. 

We Are All Human

There is one common thread among all people; Nobody is exempt from the human struggle.

Is Therapy Right For You?

Anxiety can be paralyzing and often prevents productive action. You may have spent countless hours looking for the right provider, without reaching out to any. You might fear that your anxiety will get worse if you begin to explore it. The goal is always to meet you where you are at, which means we go at your pace. If you worry frequently, experience unwanted or intrusive thoughts, feel like you can’t shut your mind off no matter how hard you try, or question things excessively…it is time to reach out. Do not let anxiety stop you from living the life you want.

Depression is tricky—it often tricks you into thinking you are undeserving, cannot be helped, and will never get better. These thoughts are not true, no matter how deeply you feel them. Other times depression tricks you into thinking you are not depressed. Maybe it’s because you can go to work, laugh, or get along well with others, so you tell yourself you can’t be depressed. Depression looks different for everyone. If you are not enjoying life the way you used to, if something feels “off,” you are not as happy, and/or have less energy than typical…pick up the phone. It is worth taking the next step. You deserve it.


  • THE SEARCH. Set a goal to find three providers that you are interested in seeing. Conduct your search using the internet, your insurance company, and/or word-of-mouth referrals. Rank the list in order of preference.

    THE CALL. Call the first provider and request a free consultation. You can learn a lot about a person in a 15 minute phone call. You won’t necessarily know “for sure,” but if you like the first provider then schedule an appointment. Don’t throw away your list yet; just tuck it away for the moment. If you did not like the provider or they can’t accommodate your schedule etc., don’t schedule an appointment and call the next one on your list.

    THE APPOINTMENT(S): It is not uncommon to feel a little awkward and uncomfortable during your first appointment and sometimes this lasts for the first few appointments. It’s important to trust your judgment. If you are unsure, try to attend three appointments to get a better feel for the relationship dynamic.

  • I see people virtually through a HIPAA-compliant video platform similar to FaceTime, but with additional security protections.

    The process is similar to that of in-person therapy. First, we do a FREE telephone consultation. This gives you a chance to tell me the reason you are seeking therapy and I can share with you more about my professional experience and style. Then we see if both you and I think we are a good match. If we decide to move forward, I send you intake paperwork through the Simple Practice portal and set you up with an account. Video sessions are conducted through there. On your end, it is important to ensure you can participate in sessions in a private space, with good WIFI signal.

  • The past few years have provided more research opportunities for evaluating telepsychology and the findings have been encouraging. There is evidence to suggest that online therapy produces similar outcomes when compared to in-person therapy. However, it is important to remember that everyone is different and it is important to figure out what works best for you. APA-Online therapy is here to stay

  • I generally try to maintain a flexible schedule for therapy clients, which includes weekend and weekday evenings.

  • Give me a call, or email me to schedule a free telephone consultation.

All Are Welcome Here

Dr. Goldsberry practices from a social justice perspective. These values are reflected in the breadth of her clinical experience. She has treated children, adolescents, adults, and families in a variety of settings from private practice to state and federal correctional facilities. Across settings, her clients have varied in age, race, ethnicity, immigration, acculturation, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, academic achievement, gender identity, spirituality, religious affiliation, and ability. She is accustomed to adapting treatment to meet the needs of the individual, whether adaptations are needed due to diversity factors and/or environmental factors. As a white psychologist, she is committed to anti-racism, exploring her own power and privilege, and advocating for inclusivity. She has worked with many clients who have directly experienced racial trauma, marginalization, and systemic oppression. She considers client pain within the context of past and present systems and acknowledges when symptoms are actually a normal response to an abnormal situation. She strives to ensure that all clients feel welcome, safe, and supported.